
Sunday, 28 December 2014

About Loughborough in 2014

It's Sunday evening, almost exactly half way between Christmas Day and New Year's Day, and I'm sitting here wondering what to write! Of course, I've had little time to research any specific topic, and although there have been plenty of opportunities to take photos, I haven't! Truth to tell, I've not been aboutloughborough much lately, either, and when I have I've been frantically last-minute shopping, or entertaining.

So, as we're approaching New Year's Day here's my review of the year 2014, through my blog posts.

lynneaboutloughborough blogposts are posted each Sunday, around 8pm. This year I have managed to publish 44 out of a possible 52 weekly articles. Some of these have been rather popular, but as I'd have expected, others have drawn fewer readers, and those posts that appeal to me, aren't necessarily the ones that appeal to you! Sometimes I've had time to do some in-depth research and have presented this to you, other times I've not had a chance to look into anything in detail, so I have either presented a photoblog of something I've done, or somewhere I've been, or I've described some of my latest shenanigans around and about town.

Let's count down to your number one favourite post, starting from 13!!

Now, let's look at my favourites, by month!

Hope you've had a good 2014, a good festive season, and I wish you well for 2015.


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