
Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Blacksmiths

The Blacksmiths - also known as the Blacksmith's Arms

Pubs were often named after an occupational group of people, perhaps because this was where people in that trade met to quench their thirst. Usually such pubs didn't have a sign, but if they did it would probably be taken from the Arms of the Worshipful Company. In the case of our Blacksmiths, you can see an anvil and hammer on the very top of the roofline, between the 19 and the 31 of the date. You can also see the original name on the roofline either side of the date in the middle.

It is thought that the original pub was actually called the Black Boy, but was changed to the Blacksmith's Arms.

The Blacksmiths in Wards End that we see today is the second incarnation of that particular pub, the first being opened in the mid-1800s, before being demolished in the early 1930s, to be replaced by this rather handsome art deco building that stands today.

Over the years the pub has had various names, and started life as The Blackboy, it's name changing to The Blacksmith's Arms in about the 1870s.  The Blacksmith's closed its doors as a traditional pub in the 1990s, and became known, amongst other things as, @The Office, Voodoo, an Indian restaurant (but the name escapes me), and Baroque, though I've probably missed some!

Today, The Blacksmiths has been renovated and now serves meals in its spacious rooms.

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The Blacksmiths in 2013 as The Baroque

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