
Sunday, 19 March 2017

From the rooftops of Loughborough Part 1

Last Saturday was a bit of a dull day, and I didn't much feel like doing anything, so by the time I managed to galvanise myself into action, the sky had darkened and the temperature dropped. The furthest I felt like walking was into town. 

Despite the dank weather, Queen's Park was resplendent with some beautiful daffodils
Daffodils at one of the entrances to Queen's Park

Lovely to see teenagers out and about, and it is them I have to thank for the idea of this post! Yes, ok, I've been to the top of the car parks in town and taken photographs before, but it has been a while, and I don't think any of those pics ever made it to the blog, so now seemed as good a time as any!!

Sadly, I don't have time to make this into a quiz, like I did with the pub pictures a very long time ago, so I'll share some pics I think you might like, and I'll caption them so you don't have to guess where they are - although some of the angles are a bit odd some might be a bit harder to place in context! So, here goes, let's start on the top of the Somerfield car park (entrance on Packe Street):
The Town Hall through the trees

Across the park: The old mill on Devonshire Square

The Carillon in the distance

Across the Granby Street car park to the old mill on Devonshire Square

The Town Hall

The HSBC Bank in Market Place

What used to be a furniture shop beside the car park

The Generator building on Packe Street

The Town Hall clock

The rooftop of the HSBC Bank in Market Place

The top of the NatWest Bank in Cattle Market

Our beautiful Carnegie public library
Next up, the views from the Carillon Court car park:
The Bell Foundry pub on Swan Street

The former office of the Loughborough Echo on Swan Street

Above the Halifax on Swan Street

Chimney tops, corner of Swan Street

The Masonic Lodge

The tower of All Saints with Holy Trinity church

Entrance and exit to the Carillon Court car park

The top of the library, with The Towers hall of residence in the distance

The Carillon peeping out over the top

The Town Hall from another angle

The HSBC in Market Place

The back of the 1920s shops on Market Street

The bell above the clock in Carillon Court

Looking down onto George's Yard

The allegorical figure atop Lloyds Bank
Well, that's two car parks, only another one to go, but I think I'll save that one for another time. I'll leave you with this picture though, as this was mentioned at a recent talk I went to, which might be the subject of a later post:
Southfield House, now home to the Register Office, formerly the home of William Byerley Paget

See you soon!

You are welcome to quote passages from any of my posts, with appropriate credit. The correct citation for this looks as follow:

Dyer, Lynne (2017). From the rooftops of Loughborough: Part 1. Available from: [Accessed 19 March 2017]

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