
Sunday, 2 July 2017

Fete on the Green

Another busy week in Loughborough and beyond! I hope you're enjoying my daily #100wordsaboutloughborough: I'm certainly enjoying writing them, although brevity has never been my strong point, so they are rather challenging!!

This week I was lucky enough to visit Warwick and Stratford-upon-Avon, and part of my birthday treat was to see Titus Andronicus at the Stratford theatre. I've only been to Warwick twice before, once being so long ago I can remember nothing from that visit, and once a couple of years ago. Last time we did some of the museums, but the town museum was closed when we went, so we were pleased to pop in this year. We also managed to get to Lord Leycester Hospital, a fantastic set of Tudor buildings that used to house the Medieval Guilds: a little bit more impressive than our own former Guildhall, which is now Lowe's the furnishers on Church Gate. 

Whilst we were looking around, we spotted a chart showing various crests, and saw some of the actual crests dotted around the complex. Several of these had connections to our area - Hastings, De Lisle, Ferrers, 

The gardens were beautiful too, with flowers, hedges, herbs, and statues.

Once we'd finished in Warwick we went over to Stratford for something to eat before the start of the performance, and we had time for a quick stroll around. This weekend they have had a boat festival on the river that passes next to the theatre. They were just setting up when we were there, but it looked like it would be a great event, similar to our canal festival.

In the town, we passed a lovely art deco cinema, and a pub called the Oddfellows Arms. The branch of Oddfellows in Loughborough used to hold their meetings in the former Georgian Theatre on Sparrow Hill, but we have never had a pub named after them.

On Saturday I popped along to the Fete on the Green, next to Fearon Hall in the grounds of the Church of All Saints with Holy Trinity. What a pleasure it was to see the re-sited WW1 memorial, and the wonderful book of remembrance that is now beneath it.

Exciting too, to be able to go up into the bell tower, and see where the bellringers ring their changes. And even more exciting was to be able to go right up to the bellchamber and see the eight Taylors bells, and hear the tenor bell ring out (albeit with our fingers in our ears, as instructed).

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