
Sunday 2 December 2018

Parish church Christmas trees

If you're a regular reader, or if you make an annual visit to this blog around this time of year, you'll know that I always go over to Melton Mowbray for their Christmas tree festival because the youngest plays in Hathern Band who play for the Sunday teatime service. So, it's not often that I manage to get along to Loughborough's own Christmas tree festival, partly because it's only on for a short time.

However, this year I was lucky enough to pass by All Saints with Holy Trinity when it happened to be open, so, I didn't pass by, I popped in! And, I'm glad I did because it was a really lovely sight to see so many decorated Christmas trees - all shapes, sizes and forms - and see which local organisations had contributed. I too over 100 photos, and have made a random selection to show you. I think the trees speak for themselves, so here they are:

You are welcome to quote passages from any of my posts, with appropriate credit. The correct citation for this looks as follow:

Dyer, Lynne (2018). Parish church Christmas trees. Available from  
  [Accessed 2 December 2018]

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