
Sunday, 30 July 2023

Queen's Park

Our beautiful Queen's Park is a Green Flag award-winning park, created in Victorian times to provide an outside space where Victorian factory workers could enjoy a walk in the fresh air. Things have changed enormously since that time, and the park continues to adapt to suit lifestyles. Other Loughborough 'parks' mentioned include the Grand Union canal area, and the campus of Loughborough University. An article in the Leicester Mercury carries the full list of Leicestershire parks noted.

Enjoy some photographs of Queen's Park, taken during the past year.

July 2022

Bandstand surrounded by flowers

Red brick memorial tower in park setting

Trees in leaf, and flowers blooming in park setting

Trees in leaf, and flowers blooming in park setting

A beacon containing blooming flowers

August 2022

Stone sculpture of a swan in an iron fromed gazebo

Blooming flowers in park setting

November 2022

Book benches commemorating Ladybird Books in park setting

Benches commemorating Ladybird books in a horsehoe shape in a park setting

Book benches commemorating Ladybird Books in a park setting

December 2022

A Green Flag blowing in the breeze in a park setting

January 2023

An icy pond in a park surrounded by red brick buildings

An icy pond in a park setting surrounded by red bricl buildings

April 2023

Green grass, trees in leaf and flowers in bloom in a park setting

May 2023

A park with red brick buildings

Sculptures in a park

Band playing a a bandstand in a park

July 2023

Flower beds in a park

Willow trees next to a pond in a park

Willow trees by a pond in a park

Red brick memorial tower in a park setting


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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  1. Fantastic photos, thank you for sharing them.
    The park always looks fabulous.
    Many thanks to all the staff involved in looking after it, you are doing a grand job.😊😊😊😊😊

    1. Hi Anonymous! It was my pleasure to share photos of our wonderful park, and I too think the staff looking after it do a fantastic job and put in a lot of hard work in keeping it looking attractive! Lynne


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