
Sunday, 4 February 2024

More changes around the town in early 2024

I really can’t believe that since I shared with you some changes that had happened around the town centre during 2023, yet more things have changed in the past couple of weeks!!

The most recent thing I’ve seen is that Moore and York, the estate agents, seem to have vacated the mill building on Devonshire Square/Ward’s End, that they have occupied for many years. Whether or not this is a permanent situation or not, I don’t know, but I do know they recently had a new heating system installed! The building might be on the register of locally listed buildings, although in reality, I’m not sure if the listing might perhaps be for the other end of the building, at the edge of the Granby Street car park. Nevertheless, the building in question is, in my opinion, quite lovely with its red and blue brick, its brick window arches, and its interesting cross-shaped white brick pattern.

View from Devonshire Square

View from Ward's End

I mentioned in my previous post that the Moon and Bell had gone, but since then work seems to have begun on the building itself. The Old Bleach Yard signs that were on the side of the building along the alleyway have gone (ok, so they were rather, ummm, bleached by the sun!), some of the rear windows have been boarded up, and the flat roof is being attended to.

The Old Bleach Yard alleyway

The Moon and Bell from the rear

The Old Bleach Yard banners in 2015

The Old Bleach Yard banners gone, 2024

And the little shop that for a very long time traded in vacuum cleaners, and has since hosted a number of other businesses, is now being turned into a pottery, which is having an open day on 24th and 25th February.

Whilst I was in the area, I walked through Queen’s Park, and noticed the trees that had been removed. Well, actually I couldn’t have noticed the trees, as they had ummmm, been removed, but I did gasp at the difference the removal of two of the trees had made to the view (and to the shade over and around the benches).

On the residential streets, a property with a Swithland slate roof has had these tiles removed and replaced with different ones – probably Welsh slate, so still fairly in-keeping with the house, but much more of a grey colour when compared with the green hue of the Swithland variety.

The old Swithland slate roof

A new roof

Champs now has scaffolding around it. Well, actually, I think it may have been like this before Christmas, but it didn’t quite make it to the blog! Prior to 2018, this sports bar was called The Unicorn.

Briefly, it looks like the Peacock is having a bit of work done, too.

The white property on Fennel Street (now the A6), which suffered a fire a few years ago, has had its side chimney (?) removed.

Pictured in November 2023

And there I must end for another week!


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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