
Sunday 21 April 2024

Ladybird at the Museum

Today I’ve been out on the allotment helping to keep in good shape, and make sure it produces lots of lovely fruit and veg! While I was there, doing a bit of weeding, I spotted a ladybird – and that got me thinking about Ladybird Books!!

I remember going to an exhibition in Leicester Museum and Art Gallery a few years ago, and our own Charnwood Museum has a Ladybird Corner, and has hosted some dedicated exhibitions, as has the local public library. So, it seems like Leicestershire are showcasing Ladybird Books across several of its museums.

I believe Melton Carnegie Museum are also going to feature Ladybird Books in a forthcoming exhibition. This will run from 4th May to 14th September 2024, and will focus on the series Well-Loved Tales. This is s0sre to be an interesting exhibition, and Melton Museum is worth a visit to see its other exhibitions which tell the story of Melton and its surrounding area.

I think the Ladybird Books exhibition at Market Harborough Museum has been and gone, but there is to soon be an exhibition in the community showcase featuring books from the At Work series, and the People Who Help Us series, and the responses of people who live in Market Harborough and around about.

Both Charnwood Museum and Melton Carnegie Museum also have a community showcase: Charnwood’s is called the Spotlight Case, and is currently hosting an exhibition called m’Other Voices. Melton’s is currently about the Observer Corps., but from May will be focussed on the battalions of paratroopers who were stationed in and around Melton Mowbray ahead of Operation Market Garden, which took place in September 1944. Some units of the 82nd Airbourne Parachute Regiment were also billeted near Melton, and in Rutland, as well as being in Quorn.

Anyway I hope you get to have a look around the museums in other parts of the county as they are well worth the trip, especially as the themes are often cahnging!

From the Ladybird exhibition at Market Harborough


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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