
Sunday, 5 May 2024

Reflection of the A-Z Blogging Challenge

Yet again, I’ve been poorly, so I’ve had no time to research anything for this week’s blogpost, so, instead, I thought I’d review the 'April A-Z Blogging Challenge' that I took part in.

When I stumbled upon the A-Z Challenge, it reminded so very much of the 100 Days project, which was also something I found out about by chance. The 100 Days was a project aimed at creatives, and was a challenge that invited people to do something creative for 100 consecutive days. Well, being neither handy with a knitting needle, a garden trowel, or a paintbrush, I decided that writing was a creative activity. In addition, knowing how I find it so difficult to write concisely, I decided to add an extra challenge, and write only 100 words on each of the 100 days. Of course, there could only be one topic – Loughborough! You can see the outcome of that particular challenge on the 100 Days page. Of course, it starts at Day 100, because I added each day’s piece to the start of the page, so scroll to the bottom if you want to read from the beginning!

The A-Z Blogging Challenge appealed to me, especially because it was only 26 posts, rather than 100 posts, and these were to be shared every day except Sunday. Oh! So that meant that I would actually be sharing a blogpost every day of the week in the month of April, because, as you might know, this blog’s regular posting slot is a Sunday evening!! I must admit, that did add a bit of a challenge, so not only was I thinking about what to write for a particular letter of the alphabet, but I was still trying to write a regular post too!

The other reason the challenge appealed was because although the blog has been going for more than 10 years, there were not 10 years’ worth of posts! While I try very hard to blog every week, sometimes I don’t manage it – I might be away, I might go on holiday, I might be poorly, I might be too tired, I might have visitors, or I might even struggle to find something to write about! Curiously, the blog was about 26 posts short, so this seemed an ideal opportunity to fill those gaps!

As I say, I stumbled upon the challenge quite late in the day, so I didn’t have time to prepare anything in advance, so the topics I wrote about were the ones that happened to come into my head whilst I was pondering what to write about for a specific letter. Had I been more planned, the posts might have been more interesting, or they might have each contributed to a theme. I admit there were a couple of days when my imagination left me, and I resorted to sharing something I’d already written about in ‘A-Z of Loughborough’ (see letters I and X) which by now you’ll have gathered is not a map book, but rather a book about different aspects of Loughborough, in an alphabetical sequence.

All in all, I had a great time, if a bit pressurised as I actually had quite a lot on during April! I was pleased with the average number of page views that my daily posts received, and could probably have predicted that a post about the Eagle pub would have been the most viewed, shortly followed by the one about a railway accident. I was very surprised though, that Lucy Boxes proved to be so very popular!! Given that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, I think it would be great if you were to re-visit the W post, and consider getting out, if you are able, into the town centre for a walk, or up to the Outwoods: walking is an amazing way to revive the spirits!

Along the way of the challenge, I met quite a few other people who were doing the A-Z, and really enjoyed reading their posts and getting to know them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading the posts on this blog!

Below is a complete list of the posts: if you click on the link, it will take you directly to the post.

A – is for Abbeyfield

B – is for Brooks

C – is for Canal Mile Markers

D – is for Domesday

E – is for Eagle

F – is for Fire

G – is for Garages

H – is for Heritage Open Days

I – is for Incorporation of the Borough

J – is for Jones

K – is for K

L – is for Lucy Boxes

M – is for the Mayor and Mountfields House

N – is for Nanpantan

O – is for Odeon

P – is for Pubs

Q – is for Q30541

R – is for Railway Accident

S – is for Swan

T – is for Trees

U – is for Ursula

V – is for Victorians and what they did for us

W – is for Walking

X – is for X26/27, XPS, and X-Rays

Y – is for Yates 

Z – Z is for ? [Zeppelins]


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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Dyer, Lynne (2024). Reflection of the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2024]

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