Saturday, 25 January 2025

Ones to watch

Time seems to be flying by, and we're already near the end of January!

Following the previous two posts about changes that happened in Loughborough during 2024, here's a very short post, focussing on changes and developments that are going to happen largely in 2025. I shan't cover the Garendon Estate here, as it's such a big project, and the properties aren't likely to be completed anytime soon. So, here are just two of the many developments I've seen recently.

Firstly, something finally seems to be happening to Atherstone House, the building which until October 2023 was home to the Moon and Bell, a Wetherspoons pub. Signs have appeared in the windows, work people have been spotted upstairs, and the signage suggests things will be progressing in the spring.

The other development I've been watching closely is the new housing that is starting to be built on the outskirts of Woodthorpe village. The entrance to the field being built on is where the road takes a ninety-degree turn to the village houses. If you walk along that road, there is a footpath to the left, which takes you to the GCR bridge (no. 339), and thence to the back of One Ash, and into Quorn. However, you can look back from the bridge towards the house building, which gives a sense of how big the field and the building area is. Hope that makes sense!!

The approach from Epinal Way Extension - Woodthorpe to the right 

The GCR bridge

Looking back towards the perimeter of the field showing the William Davis bridge

Looing back towards the field being developed

Exiting Woodthorpe - now a give way to the construction traffic


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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Sunday, 12 January 2025

Changes in Loughborough 2024 Pt 2

Last time on the blog I shared some of the changes that happened around the town in 2024, which included building changes, like pubs, shops, and various other things. This week I bring you another collection of changes - not at all comprehensive though, as there is so much changing I couldn't possibly report on it all!!

Let's start with bells and parks! The bandstand in Southfields Park is being replaced by an extended canopy. When I walked through on Friday last week, the fencing was still around the new structure. Picture of the bandstand from October and one of the new structure, November 2024.  

The Hope Bell, which was cast back in April 2023, and which commemorates those who suffered during the covid pandemic, finally made it into Queen's Park in September 2024. There is still work to be done to connect it to an electricity supply, I believe, but the structure is starting to look impressive. Pictured firstly in August 2024 before installation, then three pics from September 2024, one from 6 December 2024, and finally one from 28 December 2024.

Whilst we're on the topic of bells, the John Taylor Bellfoundry work has finally been completed. This work has seen amongst other things, building and roof repairs, changes to the internal configuration (like moving the board room, and moving the archive material to different spaces), refurbishment of the carillon, and the museum has been completely changed to include new displays. The pics show the changing entrance - May 2022, April 2024, and June 2024.

Making our way back into town, we find a major change on Fennel Street as the Grade II listed cottage which caught fire, has been demolished. Pics from February and March 2024, and three from April 2024. Today there is an empty space where the cottage once stood.

Another demolition took place, this time on Sparrow Hill, the site once being home to Ellwood's garage, and more recently a car wash. Building work has now begun on flats, I believe. A photo from October 2024.

Meanwhile, in another part of Loughborough, work continues on White Ladies, or Ronaldsway, up on the corner of Beacon Road and Pytchley Drive. Pic from November 2024.

One area which I haven't visited lately is the former farm belonging to the Moss family up on Newstead Way, so I'm not up-to-date with where that building work has got to. Pics from February 2024, so I would imagine there has been much change since then.

And finally, making my way up to the university campus, I am struck by the number of building changes there. The Whitworth Hall of Residence has now gone, as has the chemistry building. The building which formed part of the EHB and old library setting, known as Admin 1, has been demolished and replaced with a canopy. Pics of Whitworth - one from March 2023, two from April 2024, three from May 2024, and three from July 2024. I've yet to visit the Outwoods and take a photo of the changed vista.  

 Chemistry building pics, three from August 2023, one from April 2024

I don't seem to have a photo of Admin 1, but here's the new canopy, pictured in April 2024.

So, that's it for changes around Loughborough during 2024! Hope you've enjoyed this whistlestop tour!!

Hoping to complete the story of Shelthorpe House in next week's blogpost!


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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Sunday, 5 January 2025

Changes in Loughborough 2024 Pt 1

Welcome to 2025! On the blog at the end of last year we looked at some of the history of Shelthorpe House. There's one more post to come on that topic, but since it's the beginning of a new year, I thought we'd have a quick look at things (mostly buildings!) that have changed during the year. As you might imagine, even only looking at the town centre (ish!), there's more than enough for two blog posts!!

Firstly, here are a few of the pubs that have changed or have had work done to them in 2024, and might still be having work done in 2025!

The former Barley Mow on Market Street, seen below in 2022 as the Cask Bah, and in October 2024 as the Mini Monocle!

Next comes the Blacksmiths, or the Blacksmith's Arms, on Ward's End

January 2024
March 2024

May 2024

May 2024

September 2024

Champs had a bit of work done on it in 2024, too. First pics are from 2022, second pics from 2024

Kelso, next to the Jam Garden, re-opened during 2024. Pictured firstly in 2022, then in 2024

The Paget Arms over on the corner of Oxford and Paget streets was surrounded by scaffolding in 2024. First picture is from 2019, second from 2024

The Phantom (originally the Cross Keys, then the Phantom and Firkin) has been repainted during 2024. Pictured firstly in 2018, and then in 2024

Next, let's have a look at some banks and building societies that have changed during the previous year.

The HSBC, which caught fire in March 2022, is still under wraps (first pic), but after a period of service inside the Town Hall, the bank has now opened in the former Farm Foods building on Cattle Market (picture 2, taken in August 2024, just before the refurbishment was completed)

Loughborough Building Society (The Loughborough) moved its head office from High Street, to a building on Wood Gate that had previously been an NHS building. The Wood Gate building is pictured firstly in April 2024 during works, and secondly in September 2024, after staff had moved in.

Santander, on Market Street, also had a bit of a facelift during 2024 

Following on from banks we have a few shops that have changed during 2024. Firstly, Carillon Court (Charnwood Precinct as it used to be!) - all change in there, but let's just look at a sign that was revealed during a change of shop (March 2024)

Both Grape Tree and Vision Express moved out of the shopping centre and into the town streets. Pictured below is the new Grape Tree, May 2024

We had a new coffee shop open on Cattle Market, pictured in March 2024

The colour of Devonshire changed - Armstrong the estate agent, who had been there for rather a long time, went solely online, and were replaced by Smiths (not sure, but think they moved from Fennel Street, in what was the old sports shop (Prince's, possibly). Lots of estate agents have now moved into Bedford Square - Germans did a little while ago, and now Andrew Granger have moved from Forest Road, and there are a couple of others, too. Pics are Armstrongs and Smiths, February 2024.

The market also changed fairly recently, with new stalls, that are sturdier, and expected to withstand diverse weather conditions

Out of the town centre, the former Co-op No.1 on Derby Road, has now been converted into flats, I believe. There is extensive coverage of this building on the blog, as it's a 1920s, Art Deco building, clad in Hathernware tiles, and has been a long-running renovation. Pictured first in 2019, and second in July 2024

Also on the outskirts of town, Cobden School has been having a new roof, pictured in May 2024

The Generator Building, on Packe Street, has also been undergoing some major renovation work (and has been featured on this blog many times before). Pictured here in May 2024, just after the scaffolding was put up!

And finally, in this Part 1 of Changes in 2024, we have seen scaffolding on the Carnegie Library building, which in 2025 celebrates its 120th birthday!! Pictured below in May 2024.

And that's all for Part 1!!! Check back next week for another instalment of building changes - there are plenty!!


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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