Links to all the blog posts in lynneaboutloughborough

It's not always easy to hunt down a specific post which appears on this blog, so this page is a list of all the posts on the blog, with a link directly to the post. Do let me know if I've made any mistakes with the linking as it was quite a long and reasonably arduous task, so I may easily have slipped up!

Guest blog posts include the name of the author, which appears in bold green text next to the blog title.

Although these links go back to the original blog posts, it is quite possible that the blog posts themselves contain links to material and resources that have either moved or been deleted altogether, so you will find dead links. Nevertheless, I do hope you'll find this list useful. 

The posts are listed in chronological order, with the newest post on top. If you're looking for something specific, this order won't help much if you don't know if there actually is a post on your topic of interest. My suggestion would be to use your browser's 'find' option, or hold the control key down with the F key. The only thing to remember about this type of searching is that not only will it search the body of the post, but it will also highlight any occurrence of your chosen word where it appears in places like the labels.

Posts on the lynneaboutloughborough blog:

From 2025

From 2024

Loughborough's Second Workhouse (Guest Post by Dr Pamela Fisher, Leics. VCH)

Loughborough Parish Library at the Old Rectory Museum (Guest Post by Dr Ursula Ackrill, Librarian (Special Collections), Nottingham University)

Guide to All Saints with Holy Trinity Parish Church (Guest Post by Roger Willson, Archivist at All Saints With Holy Trinity parish church)

From 2023

Ladybird Books: from jobbing printers to global brand (Guest Post by Dr Wim van Mierlo, Senior Lecturer at Loughborough University)

Community Engagement in Heritage Work: Spotlighting the Loughborough Library Local Studies Volunteers Group (Guest Post by Dr Daniel Mutibwa, Associate Professor at Nottingham University)

Memories of Record and Music Shops (written by Lynne from information shared by Martin)

Mary Tate (of Burleigh Hall) (Guest Post by Dr Pam Fisher, Leics. VCH)

Walking from Loughborough to The Outwoods and Back (Guest Post by Mr lynneaboutloughborough)

St. George Lane Fox Pitt (Guest Post by Tony Jarram)

A blue plaque for John Cleveland? (Guest Post by Ursula Ackrill, Nottingham University MSS and Special Collections)

My Lockdown Project: Paget Street, Loughborough (Guest Post by Sharon Gray, LLLSVG)

The Alexandra Bedspread (Guest Post by Deborah Moxom, FOCM)

Henry Wills, Loughborough's most renowned publisher (Guest Post by Kathy Phillips, LLLSVG)

The Old Art College and The Generator (Guest Post by Dr Jill Vincent)

Being a Botanist (Guest Post by Dave Neville)

Loughborough's Lost Football League Club (Guest Post by Sean Dudley, Carduelis Content & Historical Research)

Warner's Corner (Guest Post by Yvonne White)

From 2022

The Life of an Old Loughburian (Guest Post by Brian Willan)

From 2021

Loughborough Variety - manufacturing in the 1930s

Loughborough market and fair

Loughborough cemetery part 2

Loughborough cemetery part 1

A strange year in Loughborough

From 2020

Bellfoundry and church bells

Spotlight on Glebe House part 2

Winter Wonderland on the GCR

Spotlight on Glebe House

Spotlight on Fairmount Drive

So who was Arthur Edward Shepherd?

At the fair


Halloween in Loughborough cemetery

Fire in a Loughborough building

Bernard Nixon Wale in Loughborough

The Outwoods

So who was Bernard Nxon Wale?

Where in Loughborough is the miff tree?

Changes in Loughborough over the past 6 months

Answers to the Loughborough gates quiz

Loughborough gates quiz

The changing meadow

Spotlight on the Fearon Fountain

Loughborough Agricultural and Horticultural Show

So who was Benjamin Ironmonger?

Celebrating seven years of the blog

So, who was Jane Lester

Holiday in Loughborough

St Peter's church and community centre

So, who were the Woodwards of Loughborough?

Spotlight on Field House

We could even see the Brush: Summer Solstice at Beacon Hill

Life in locked down Loughborough (Guest Post by Ursula Davis)

Death and funeral of Reverend Henry Fearon

Researching your house through time

Whitsun holiday

Foundries in Loughborough

VE-Day in Loughborough

Armchair trails (Virtual walks)

Bikes about Loughborough past

From Clement to Clemersons

Nita Isobel Bell in Loughborough

Artists in Loughborough, Leicestershire, & Rutland (Guest Post by Tony Jarram)

Isolation in Loughborough

Morrison electricar

Singing, exhibitions and films (International Women's Day and Library exhibition)

More bikes about Loughborough

Out and about in Loughborough

What became of the Loughborough Zeppelin? (Guest Post by Ian Castle)

Bellringing, Loughborough & light show Nottingham

Quick quiz about Loughborough

William Morris and Ladybird books connection

Hurricanes in Loughborough

Pubs, carillons and bedspreads

Poachers in 1829

From 2019

Review of 2019

Carillon perfect setting

MrYates completes his journey 200 years ago

Two hundred years ago in Loughborough

Christmas trees abound


Loughborough firms in the spotlight

Remembrance 2019

Celebrating our history through commemorative plaques

24 hours on the GCR

Loughborough is the best town in the world

Bikes about Loughborough

Houses and milestones

Secret of Loughborough's newest streets

Iron foundries Battle of Cotes and Freemasonry

Carillon and bellfoundry on Heritage Open Days

Secret Loughborough Harrogate connection

Railton Taylors and Fearon

Burleigh Hall

Ernest Gimson and Andrew Carnegie

Holiday connections and anniversaries

Everywhere reminds me of Loughborough

Knocking on the door to the past

Armed Forces Day in Loughborough

Nearby country homes

Picnic in Queen's Park and more

A walk to Oaks in Charnwood via the Outwoods

Local books local people

A week of local history

Garendon Estate water mill

Loughborough in Nottingham pubs and stuff

Old railway and woods

National Memorial Arboretum etc.

Garendon and the marathon

Loughborough and Shugborough

Loughborough Lichfield and Southampton

Victorian factories


Maypole Dairy

Thomas Cook or Maypole Dairy?

If you like this, you might also like that

Museums libraries books talks and archives

Lost buildings of 2018 etc.

Lost buildings of 2018 Granby Street

Lost buildings of 2018 Royal George

From 2018

Review of 2018

Loughborough trinket box

Parish church Christmas trees

Christmas lights switch on

Still on the subject of Remembrance

Armistice 2018

Pubs and a bit of art

Connecting Loughborough

Art in Loughborough

40 years in Loughborough

Loughborough connections in Cambridgeshire

Loughborough connections

Cemetery chapels

Lynne really was about Loughborough this week

Leicestershire County show

Whitechapel and Taylors bellfoundries

Zeppelins Lincoln Taylor Loughborough

Loughborough five years ago and now

Taylors bells at St Uny church Lelant

Taylors Truro Parks and bandstands

On Taylors Zeppelins railways churches soldiers etc

Taylors of Loughborough and more

Popular surnames

Picnic in the Park and on the farm

Trains rhododendrons and peace

Ashby Pillings and trains

Freemasons and motorbikes

Exhibitions and the ceramics market

Exciting walks around town

Psychogeographic walk around Loughborough

Loughborough and the Pilkington connection

Bradgate and Beaumanor a walk amongst the animals

Finding Loughborough everywhere

Walking the plaques

Loughborough snow today


House for sale

Lighting up the Carillon and West Quay

More on Suffrage and the Carillon

What is Loughborough's story

Anniversaries 1068 to 1578

Anniversaries and names

A ramble around some Loughborough connections

Walking the university

From 2017

Review of 2017


Snowy Loughborough

Ticklebelly, Lawrence and pubs

57 varieties of red about Loughborough

The silence of the Loughborough fair

Loughborough remembers


Cholera and cemeteries

Plaque and Dead Lane

Disasters and plaque houses

Disasters in Loughborough

What a milestone

Killed by a lion

Bridges buses trains balloons and runners

Taylors bells sent off to Ypres

Cheltenham Harpury Malvern and Loughborough

Bells fountains and courtyards

Your favourite posts

Nanpantan reservoir

Loughborough holiday connections Pt 1

Fete on the green

Loughborough in 100 Words

Picnic in the park

Pamphlet day and newsletter time

Loughborough local history rooted in Charnwood


Loughborough Legend

Old Rectory Museum open for the season

Swithland slate update

GCR Mountsorrel branch

From the rooftops Pt 2

Loughborough Charnwood College Garendon marathon

Luddites in Loughborough and Arnold

From the rooftops Pt 1

Branding the town

Kendal Troutbeck Scotland Carlisle Loughborough connection Pt 2

Cartright and Warner

Kendal Troutbeck Scotland Carlisle Loughborough connection Pt 1

Leicester Swannington and Loughborough

Swithland slate in local churchyards

Swithland slate gravestones

Zeppelins Loughborough Heanor & Led Zeppelin

Why have I never visited before (Donington Park Museum)

From 2016

Review of 2016 Loughborough blogposts

Cinema memories

Swithland slate

Christmas trees

Loughborough in 50 shades of red

Pianos bells and echoes

Loughborough remembers

Obelisks everywhere

Village bands

Loughborough Ladybird and its book illustrators


Bradgate Park

Loughborough and Althorp

Heritage Open Days

From Loughborough to Melbourne and back again via ...

Loughborough to Tiverton Pt 3

Loughborough to Tiverton Pt 2

Fairs and markets come to the library

Loughborough to Tiverton Pt 1

It's been 3 years

Loughborough and more holiday connections

Red & green houses abandoned in favour of a picnic

Birthday celebrations

George Hodson and the Loughborough Union Workhouse

Loughborough Union Workhouse

Coffee houses to coffee shops

Night of the Zeppelin

From 54 Baxter Gate to Old Hospital Court

Investigating Victorians leads to Messengers

Leicestershire County Council green plaque scheme

Out and about around Loughborough


William Railton's Bavarian gates

A little bit of magic in Loughborough

Loughborough and its cinemas

Binns family Blackamoors Head Blackboy & Burnaby

Loughborough and the holiday connection

Victorian house plaques

Commemorative walk

Changes in Loughborough

Loughborough pubs

New Walk new walk

New year walk to the Outwoods

From 2015

Review of lynneaboutloughborough 2015

I do like a good brass band

When only wine will do

Old Bleach Yard

Society wedding

Loughborough remembers

So who was Henry Fearon

Never far from Loughborough

Loogabarooga festival

Walk from Loughborough to Beaumanor

Spotlight on Ancient Loughborough Pt 2 Coneries

Garendon Park

Did you see what I saw on the rainbow walk

Tickle-Belly Park


Red about Loughborough 2

Red about Loughborough 1

So, who was A.T. Warbis

Out and about

Ascot Samford and Loughborough

This week's post

250 years of Lloyds Bank

So, who was John Nichols

Sunloch, a winning horse

What have Hathern Band LMVC BDCM carillon etc

GCR museum

Remember Lymeswold

Shakespeare in Loughborough pubs and fwk

Market Place sale

Stoneywell Cottage


Richard III and Leicester

DMU Heritage Centre

A walk in Booth Woods

The Blacksmiths

Swan in the Rushes

Boat Inn

The Old Boot

Three Horseshoes Inn

WW1 memorial and ASWHT

Pub quiz!

Cross Keys

Grudgings needlemakers

Walking China and Loughborough

99 years since the Zeppelin raids on Loughborough

Winter walk around the water - Charnwood Water

Needlemaking in Loughborough

Needlemaking & other Loughborough connections

Loughborough 2014 in pics

From 2014

About Loughborough in 2014

Children's book illustrator exhibits

Christmas in Leicestershire

Devonshire Square

A November walk through Queen's Park

Loughborough fair

Remembrance Day Nov 2014

Son et lumiere

Spotlight on Radmoor House

Summer visit to Nanpantan

Enigma and codebreaking

Beanfeast at Nanpantan

Nanpantan and temperance

Spotlight on Ancient Loughborough Pt 1 Windmill Inn

Loughborough to Canterbury

Spotlight on 54 Baxter Gate

Magistrate's Court police station & Wheatsheaf

Old Rectory Museum

World War One we remember

Spotlight on Middleton Place


Loughborough & the opening of the Temperance Hall

Loughborough and the Temperance movement

If you go down to the park today

Loughborough pottery market

Dishley Grange in photographs

So, who was Robert Bakewell

Loughborough canal festival

Handel's Messiah Snibston Discovery museum 2

Handel's Messiah Snibston Discovery museum 1

Empire cinema WW2 and Malcolm Sargent

GCR Diesel gala

Beaumanor Hall and wartime Leics.

Ghost signs of Loughborough 2

Ghost signs of Loughborough 1

Local lambs & calves at Oakley Grange

Afternoon at Pillings Lock

Horse a horse my kingdom for a horse

Spotlight on Unity House

Loughborough pubs

WW1 and Zeppelin raids

Loughborough six months on

Loughborough Luddites Lace and much more

Veritable potpourri

Baubles (spa ornaments)

From 2013


Christmas prep in Loughborough

LAHS meeting

Christmas appears to have begun

Loughborough Lichfield Lincoln and more

Spotlight on Loughborough fair

Remembrance a picture paints a thousand words

Loughborough culture walk

Spotlight on Ashby Road

Doing Loughborough

Fun in Loughborough

Loughborough doesn't make the top 50 thankfully

Lost houses found

So, who was William Clarke

Allotments around Loughborough

Spotlight on All Saints Parish Church

Bloomin' update: Loughborough In Bloom

In defence of Loughborough

So, who was Dr Eddowes

Spotlight on Queen's Park

Bloomin' Loughborough

Loughborough is the best town in the world eva


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


Thank you for reading this blog.


The copyright © of all content on this blog rests with me, however, you are welcome to quote passages from any of my posts, with appropriate credit. The correct citation for this looks as follows:

Dyer, Lynne (2023). Links to all the blog posts in lynneaboutloughborough. Available from: [Accessed 1 September 2023]

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I post no pictures that are not my own, unless I have express permission so to do. All text is my own, and not copied from any other information sources, printed or electronic, unless identified and credited as such. If you find I have posted something in contravention of these statements, or if there are photographs of you which you would prefer not to be here, please contact me at the address listed on the About Me page, and I will remove these.

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site: “Radmoor House”

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Thank you for reading this blog.


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