Sunday, 29 December 2024

Ruddington Fields to the Bridge to the Future - the Betwixtmus Train!

Ruddington Fields almost to the Bridge to the Future - the Betwixtmus Train!

Well, I thought I was in for a quiet Christmas, but no, actually it's been incredibly busy!

Today is my usual day for sharing something about Loughborough with you, so how opportune that I happened to have travelled on the Great Central Railway this morning! Not the usual trip from Loughborough Central to Leicester North, via Quron & Woodhouse, and Rothley, but rather from Ruddington Fields, in the Rushcliffe Country Park, through Rushcliffe Halt at the Nottingham end of East Leake, all the way to what the heightened railway bridge over the A60 by The Brush in Loughborough - not quite as far as what I still call the Bridge to the Future, which is closer to the civic amenity site!

I can't wait for the day when the line is totally joined up, and the journey will run all the way from Rushcliffe to Leicester North!!

I've been to Rushcliffe Country Park many times before, mostly for children to play in the park, or to wander around the lake. I was also there on Christmas Day this year, for the parkrun - no, I didn't run, I was there to support those who were running!!! I have stood on the bridge over the railway many times before, also, but had not realised that actually down in the station there was also a collection of old buses, a model railway, a miniature railway, and a very miniature railway, and a cafe!!! I can see I will have difficulty staying away now!!!!

Here's a few photos of my journey. Some pictures didn't come out well, as they were taken from the train, through the windows!

The start of the journey, at Ruddington Fields

Rushcliffe Halt at East Leake, next to British Gypsum

Arriving at the recently heightened bridge over the A60

The return journey

Back at Ruddington Fields




Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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