After last week's visit to the re-opening of the Old Bleach Yard path through to the Granby Street car park, I was thinking about the new businesses that have relatively recently opened in Ward's End, like Madeline's Gifts and Flowers (where I recently got my own wedding bouquet and buttonholes), the new cafe in what was until recently the shoe shop, and the Deli at 58, to name but a few. Here's hoping that their businesses boom now that there is easier access from the car park.
That also led me to thinking about the businesses that have only recently closed, like Denise's Florists, the shoe shop I've just mentioned above, the guitar shop, the Age Concern bookshops (ok, so it's still in town) and some time ago now, Wakerleys the bakers, again, to name but a few.
Of course, there are a number of shops which have been on Ward's End for a long time, including Kent Stevenson shoes, the vacuum cleaner shop, and George Hill, Wine Merchants. Again, here's hoping trade for them is also brisk!
Also whilst we were chatting I remembered that I'd read somewhere that George Hill's were having s display in the local studies area of the public library, so I hotfooted it off to the library to have a look at said exhibition, and take a few photos. Do go and see it if you can because my photos are absolute rubbish quality, for which I apologise profusely.
Hmmm, and this gives me an idea for next week's post! Hope to see you then!
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