Sunday, 9 February 2025

All Change at Queen's Park

Before getting the blog back on track with its focus on historical Loughborough, here's a quick photo blog showing some of the changes happening down at Queen's Park at the moment. The Hope Bell was featured in an earlier blog this year, so this post shows the new tarmacked paths, and the new lighting - but I think I forgot to take any photos of the new security cameras, but don't worry, they're quite obvious, so you won't miss them when you next pop down. 

Sometime last year, there was a lot of work done on trying to alleviate the tendency for the grassy patch close to the Carillon to flood. Hopefully this has had some effect. I'm sure I read somewhere that the reason the bandstand was moved from its original position close to the railings opposite the public library, was because that area flooded regularly, and so audiences often found their feet sinking into the grass, after a wet spell.

Anyway, here are the photos! First, the new lighting:

Next, one of the new tarmacked paths - this one leads to the bandstand: 

And finally, a view within the park, a view towards the buildings outside the park, and a few pics looking down on the park:

And here's an interesting view of the former HSBC bank, next door to the Town Hall!


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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