Sunday 14 November 2021

The return of the Remembrance service in Queen's Park

Last year's service of Remembrance
in Queen's Park was a very different event, from that which we in Loughborough have come to expect and love over the past 100 years, so it was lovely to be able to attend this year's service in the park. There were changes to the usual programme, and changes to the parade route, so instead of finishing in the Market Place, the parade stayed in the park. The Loughborough Concert Band played as usual, but sat outside the bandstand, and the Hathern Concert Brass also played, but in their usual spot near the Carillon. And, the Carillon played during the laying of the wreaths. What was also different for me was that I couldn't find a good view from anywhere and I didn't manage to get a programme until after the service was over!!! And, the weather was really rather warm for the time of year. It was lovely to bump into friends old and new, too. Here are just a few photographs I managed to take at the event.

The remains of the fair in the 800th year since the granting of the Charter

An impression of Songster - sorry for cutting off his tail!

Posted by lynneaboutloughborough 14 November 2021

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Dyer, Lynne (2021). The return of the Remembrance service in Queen's Park. Available from     [Accessed 14 November 2021]

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