Sunday 22 September 2024

Loughborough's Heritage Open Days Success

I'm sure you're all aware that the past couple of weeks have been Heritage Open Days, a time that sees many heritage buildings that aren't usually open, allowing the public access. Or, sites that normally make a charge. throwing open their buildings for free, or putting on something special for the Open Days.

This year, some Loughborough venues got together to offer a greater contribution to Heritage Open Days than has happened in previous years. Loughborough's Heritage Open Weekend took place last weekend, and many buildings, groups, and organisations took part, offering free art sessions, free roadshows, free guided walks, free demonstrations, or free access to archive material.

On Saturday morning, I was lucky enough to be able to do a quick tour of some of the town centre offerings, and it was lovely to see lots of pink bunting around! Sorry I didn't get as far as the GCR, the Bellfoundry, or the Grammar School

On Saturday afternoon I went on a guided walk related to Zeppelins, and on Sunday, I spent a very sunny morning walking a group of people around some of Loughborough's Art Deco heritage, and a very wet afternoon showcasing some of our heritage sites!

Thank you so much to everyone who was involved in providing such a variety of places to visit!

Here's some very quickly-taken photos from the weekend.


Posted by lynneaboutloughborough

With apologies for typos which are all mine!


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